Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Review: Borderlands 2

The first Borderlands was a game that came out of nowhere to surprise me. I wasn't expecting much from it, but a friend recommended I pick it up, and I did. I had an absolute blast with it; it was fun, it was funny, it was stylistic, and it had guns coming out of the wazoo. Now the second coming is upon us, and in returning to Pandora, things have changed a bit. So is this game as good as the first, or is it more on par with their Duke Nukem Forever offering?

I will note I'm currently still on my first playthrough of the game, and have yet to finish it. I'm playing the Xbox 360 version, mainly in two player co-op.

First up, I'll cover some of what's changed. The first game was known for its guns, millions of guns. Well, the second continues this, but this time around, the designs have been revamped. Guns have differing looks depending on manufacturer and abilities, and these more distinct looks are a definite plus, with guns actually being interesting to look at, as well as use. Each manufacturer has more of an identity now too, from the old fashioned Jakob guns to the elemental damage dealing Malawan pieces.

The characters are slightly different from the first game, but the gameplay still feels familiar. This means it's easy for series veterans to jump into with ease, but you still get to play characters with a slightly different feel. As for the NPCs, there's a lot of familiar faces, and the characters are still as weird and funny as they were. If anything, this game takes it up a notch. The first had a slightly subdued feel at times, like they weren't quite sure how far they wanted to take the funny and satirical aspects. They drifted more towards the weird and wacky in the DLC for the first game, and in the second, it's very evident. There's a lot of funny dialogue and visuals, and the game has nearly as many pop culture references as tvtropes. Personally, I like this, and I think if you liked the (often black) humour of the first game, you will too.

The game also features a revamped challenge system; instead of experience, you earn badass rank and tokens, which you can exchange for various permanent stat boosts, which apply to all your characters. This has the effect of making the challenges more noticeable, and completing them somewhat addictive. I mean, who wouldn't want a higher badass rank?

Combat-wise, things have changed up too. Enemies are a lot smarter, they dodge, try to get better positions, attempt to flank you. Different enemies actually feel like they have different AI. It's a nice change from the first game, where most enemies would just stand still, or charge at you. I find the combat more enjoyable this time around, especially when playing co-op. Which raises a good point; do yourself a favour, and play this in co-op. It's a decent and fun game playing solo, but in co-op it's something entirely better. I'd recommend playing with friends though, not strangers, or else you run the risk of finding someone who just takes all the loot, or refuses to co-operate.

A weak point of the first game was the forgettable story, and the less than varied locations. Both of these have seen a much needed boost in the sequel, with a more varied range of environments, and a much better story, at least so far as I've played. The antagonist 'Handsome Jack' is very much a presence through the game, frequently contacting you to taunt you, which puts a face and a clear goal on the game, something the first lacked at times.

Cosmetically speaking, it has the same stylised look as the first game, and it works just as well here. Character and enemy designs are fun and well executed. Furthermore, there are now various skins available for the characters and vehicles, and it's always fun to find or unlock a new one, and see what you got.

So in conclusion, it takes the fun of the first game, improves upon almost every aspect to some degree, and makes up for the few disappointing flaws of it to boot. This is a definite must-buy for me, and could even be a Game of the Year contender. It gets a full 5 out of 5 stars from me. If you don't have it, get it. If you do have it, why are you reading this when you could be playing it?!

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